


"Wir kontrollieren Amerika" 

"Jedesmal wenn wir etwas tun, sagen Sie mir, dass Amerika das und jenes tun wird. ... .Ich möchte Ihnen etwas sehr klares sagen: Kümmern Sie sich nicht um Amerikas Druck auf Israel. Wir, das Jüdische Volk, kontrollieren Amerika, und die Amerikaner wissen das."  (Ariel Sharon, israelischer Premierminister im Radiosender Kol Yisrael, 3. 10. 2001



Zionisten in Clinton's Cabinet (1/4/1998)

Das Nachfolgende ist eine Liste von Juden, welche dem Stab der Clinton Administration angehörten (wobei diese Liste die niedrigeren Beamte nicht einschliesst;  wobei es ja nichts besonderes wäre, wenn dies Liste auch nur im Weitesten ein Verhältnis zur Bevölkerungszahl darstellen würde.


  1. Madeleine Albright ­Secretary of State 
  2. Robert Rubin _Secretary of Treasury  
  3. William Cohen_Secretary of Defense  
  4. Dan Glickman_Secretary of Agriculture  
  5. George Tenet_CIA Chief 
  6. Samuel Berger_Head National Security Council 
  7. Evelyn Lieberman_Deputy Chief of Staff  
  8. Stuart Eizenstat_Under Secretary of State 
  9. Charlene Barshefsky_U.S. Trade Representative
  10. Susan Thomases_Aide to First Lady 
  11. Joel Klein_Assistant Attorney General 
  12. Gene Sperling_National Economic Council 
  13. Ira Magaziner_National Health Care 
  14. Peter Tarnoff_Deputy Secretary of State 
  15. Alice Rivlin_Ecomomic Advisory 
  16. Janet Yellen_Chairwoman, National Economic Council 
  17. Rahm Emanuel_Policy Advisor
  18. Doug Sosnik_Counsel to President 
  19. Jim Steinberg_Deputy to National Security Chief
  20. Jay Footlik_Special Liason to the Jewish Community_(no other group has a special liason)
  21. Robert Nash_Personal Chief
  22. Jane Sherburne_President's Lawyer
  23. Mark Penn_Asia Expert to NEC
  24. Sandy Kristoff_Health Care Chief
  25. Robert Boorstin_Communications Aide
  26. Keith Boykin_Communications Aide
  27. Jeff Eller_Special Assistant to Clinton
  28. Tom Epstein_Health Care Adviser
  29. Judith Feder_National Security Council
  30. Richard Feinberg_Assistant Secretary Veterans
  31. Hershel Gober_Food and Drug Administration
  32. Steve Kessler_White House Counsel
  33. Ron Klein_Assistant Secretary Education
  34. Madeleine Kunin_Communications Aide
  35. David Kusnet_Dept. AIDS Program
  36. Margaret Hamburg_Dir. Press Conferences 
  37. Many Grunwald _Liason to Jewish Leaders 
  38. Karen Adler_Dir. State Dept. Policy 
  39. Samuel Lewis_National Security Council 
  40. Stanley Ross_National Security Council
  41. Dan Schifter_Director Peace Corps.
  42. Eli Segal_Deputy Chief of Staff
  43. Alan Greenspan_Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank
  44. Robert Weiner_Drug Policy Coordinator
  45. Jack Lew_Deputy Director Management and Budget
  46. James P. Rubin_Under Secretary of State
  47. David Lipton_Under Secretary of The Treasury
  48. Lanny P. Breuer_Special Counsel to The President
  49. Richard Holbrooke_Special Representative to NATO
  50. Kenneth Apfel_Chief of Social Security
  51. Joel Klein_Deputy Whlte House Counsel
  52. Sidney Blumenthal_Speclal Advisor to First Lady
  53. David Kessler_Chief of Food & Drug Adininistration
  54. Seth Waxman_Acting Solicitor General
  55. Mark Penn_Presidential Pollster
  56. Dennis Ross_Special Middle East Representative
  57. Howard Shapiro_General Counsel for the FBI
  58. Lanny Davis_White House Special Counsel
  59. Sally Katzen_Secretary of Management and Budget
  60. Kathleen Koch_Heads FBI Equal Opportunity Office
  61. John Podesta_Deputy Chief of Staff
  62. Alan Blinder_Vice Chairman of Federal Reserve
  63. Janet Yellen_Heads Council of Economlc Advisors
  64. Ron Klain_Chief of Staff for Al Gore    
